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5 posts tagged with "web"

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How to choose a localization approach for your React application

· 12 min read
Raymond Cheng
Bringer of the funk

Choosing how to add localization to your application can be a complicated decision, because there are so many options out there. From code-based frameworks to third-party services that automatically rewrite your HTML, there is no silver bullet for localization. At Plasmic, we have been exploring the many options to better inform how we can support localization for our own application. Many tutorials assume you want to already want to use a code framework, like react-i18next, but that has implications for your team’s workflow. In this blog post we will survey different localization techniques you may be considering for your React application and discuss some of the trade-offs.

High Performance Personalization with Next.js Middleware

· 9 min read
Raymond Cheng
Bringer of the funk

In this blog post, we will show you how to implement personalization using Next.js middleware. Traditionally, personalization was implemented on the server, which may incur many hundreds of milliseconds of latency before the user receives the content. With Next.js middleware and static site generation (SSG), we can serve rich personalized experiences entirely from the edge (i.e. CDN), resulting in significant performance improvements for your website and improved experiences for your users.

A/B Testing with Next.js middleware

· 12 min read
Raymond Cheng
Bringer of the funk

In this blog post we will show you how to implement A/B testing using Next.js middleware, first introduced in Next.js 12. When compared to other A/B testing frameworks, this method more easily fits into your existing developer workflows and inherits all of the performance benefits of Next.js, including static site generation (SSG). You’ll see that A/B tests don’t have to be onerous for either your users or your developers — every Next.js site can easily make measurable progress this way!

Building a Pokedex with Plasmic + Supabase

· 9 min read
Raymond Cheng
Bringer of the funk

In this guide, we will show you how to build a crowd-sourced Pokemon Pokedex, by connecting Supabase, an open source Firebase backend alternative, with Plasmic, a visual builder for the web. While many users leverage Plasmic to quickly launch and iterate on landing pages, in this tutorial we’ll show just how powerful Plasmic can be as a general-purpose visual builder for React, which can be used to design and implement fully featured read-write applications.